The EGP Supporters’ Network invites you to Imagine the New City, the 9th annual conference of European grassroots Greens in Amsterdam, Europe’s long-time capital of imagination.
Friday 5 November
- 16.30: registration desk open
- 1700 – 1900: Imagine the New City – opening panel
- 1900: Welcome by Nevin Özütok, alderman Amsterdam-Oost for GroenLinks; welcome drink
- Follow (y)our imagination, evening in town.
Saturday 6 November
- 9.15: Registration desk open
- 9.50: Welcome & presentation EGP Supporters’ Network by Lin Tabak, coordinator
- 1000-1130: Outwitting Wilders - Successful Strategies against Right-wing Populism
- 1145-1315: Practical answers to the challenges of diversity
- Lunch
- 1415-1545: The Future City - Creating Common Dreams, Linking City and Countryside, linking ideas and people.
- 1600-1730 Back to Ecology: Health, the Next Green challenge
- 1800 – late: And Now for Something Completely Different! Music, food, drinks and flash speeches in a party co-organised by the Iranian-Dutch Community Veranders.
Sunday 7 November
- 10-12.30: The European Citizens’ Initiative – and other ways to connect Europeans and EU
Coffee & sandwiches
- 1300-1500: Action Plan 2011, Team debriefing open to all.
- Or register for a boat trip through the canals.
Main Venue: International Institue for Research and Education (IIRE), Lombokstraat 40 Amsterdam, at 3 kms from Central Station.
Costs: participants only pay for their own food, drinks, and accomodation.
Accommodation: for early bookers we have 24 beds at the venue at € 25,- per night. You’ll find a list of budget hote(s)tels on, where you can also register.
Language: English