
Particularly, the war in neighboring Ukraine set the scene for discussion about the green vision of security in Europe, as well as the acute need to phase out fossil fuels for both climate and geopolitical reasons. The event brought together a diverse crowd, with a good balance of different ages, genders and backgrounds (e.g., local politicians, subject matter experts and academics, NGO representatives, etc.). There was also a good balance between the time allocated for panels and the time allocated for networking, with plenty of opportunities for participants to connect and informally learn from one another.

Catarina Vieira, lid EGP delegatie GroenLinks nam samen met Richard Wouters (Wetenschappelijk Bureau), Kris van der Veen, Imane Nadif (Raadsleden Amsterdam) en Mary Kachavos en Elze Vermaas deel aan de Academie in Warschau. 

Actie 'Geef de Regenboog terug' - (is steeds vernield). Helemaal re. Catarina.
Panel Vrede en Veiligheid: alle aspecten rond Oekraïne kwamen aan de orde.
De Green European Foundation (GEF) organiseert regelmatig interessante bijeenkomsten.